Should We Follow the Wedding Ang Bao Rates 2014

Recently some websites has published the 2014 Wedding Ang Bao rate AGAIN..

Well this website is cool of course. Offering much needed tips and ideas for our already flustered wedding couples in Singapore. So I have nothing against them since I'm not on their directory. Wait. I'm not?

First let us look at the demand for this information and why did it came about. Most probably some wedding couple received an unmarked wedding ang bao of $10. Unfortunately all 287 Kiasu guests had written their name on their ang bao and only the bride's very close guy friend aka secondary school classmate aka ex-boyfriend aka again the 288th guest, did not write his name. Suay.

So the both of them wrote a long email to our favorite page STOMP expressing their disappointment in the wedding ang bao they had received. And so, as a Singapore culture, we need rules and regulations to help our fellow Singaporeans to know what to do in such scenario

The website says and I quote "There have been many instances when wedding couples were unable to recover the banquet cost from the ang baos given. This Ang Bao Market Rate is a guide to the giver on the appropriate amount to gift to the couple based on the average cost per seat."

So on the point where "wedding couples were unable to recover the banquet cost from the ang baos given." Did this website really know where the loss is from.

How did I lose 5 figures in my wedding banquet

During the 'negotiations' with the in-laws, one of the terms was that they wanted 10 tables for their relatives and friends. As a first time groom, you'll be nodding your head at everything they say. Not knowing that these 10 tables' ang baos do not go into your ang bao aka ROI box. 

So if one table is $1200 without the ++++++, 10 tables will be $12,000!!! Which means each guests' ang bao must be $120+$60 (base on $12,000/200 guest) in order for you to break even.

Did I really lose 5 figure? Nope. I broke even at Fullerton Hotel hehe... and yes I did get a few $50 ang baos.

So moving on with life + the wedding ang bao market rate chart.

Say Xiao Ming is getting married and Xiao Ming does not have enough money for this wedding banquet due to the paying of 50% downpayment for his new white Chery QQ which he is going to use as his wedding car. Since there is ang bao guide which Xiao Ming can conveniently slot into his wedding invites to his guests friends, he should be able to break even or make profit from his wedding banquet. Cool! Let's get married at Capella!!!

Taken from the Wedding Ang Bao rate 2014

Sounds a bit like crowd-funding right?

And if today I'm invited to a wedding banquet, am I expected to help the couples recover the banquet cost? How would I feel as a guest? Is this wedding couple my friend, my colleague or associate really 'inviting' me or are they treating me like a someone who is funding their wedding business and they can get married FOC. Ok I'm not that bad. But seriously this will be running thru my mind if this couple PM me and says: "Hey buddy, do check out the 2014 wedding ang bao rate before coming to my wedding banquet ok?"

Let's say I were to give $100 for the Capella dinner banquet and I write my name on the ang bao. How will/should the wedding couples feel when they record this down? (I assume you guys do because I did record). Write a letter to Stomp? Click un-friend me in Facebook?

You are the Answer

Ask yourself why would you want to hold your wedding banquet at this hotel? Any special reasons or theme? If you really do decide to hold at a high end location, then you must be prepared to face the music at the end of your wedding banquet and don't expect the guests to recover your cost.

The Wedding Banquet Purpose

Be a man and show your friends what a beautiful bride or handsome groom you have . Let you ex-bfs/gfs cry when they see your wedding pics and wonder why they let you go. Let guests gawk at your wife as you strut her down the aisle and tell them she's yours!

Ok I'm kidding. There's 1001 reasons why you want to hold a wedding banquet but ultimately there should not be any expectations in getting back your investments.

So what's the right rate for wedding ang baos in Singapore from my point of view?

Restaurant min $80 to ~
Hotels min $120 to ~

If you feel you are having a bad financial time to attend their wedding, just inform them that you are unable to make it. They won't hold it to heart even if you are their best friend. Not at the last minute of course.

I sincerely hope that this website do not post the ang bao rates for 2015 or ever again and cause mind games between the wedding couples and their guests.

Tip of the Day: 

To stamp your name in forever memory of your friend's wedding, give them a $10 ang bao for their wedding banquet and make sure you write your name.

Cheers and have a blast attending wedding banquets!

Do you think we should have this list? Let us know your thoughts.

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