Replacing door speakers on the Volvo S40

While giving one of my friends a lift to the railway station on my old trusty Volvo S40, he somehow punched a hole through the speaker on the passenger side. I took it to the garage and they told me that it would take about £100 to replace the speakers and cover, plus the service. That was several months ago. I tried some DIY repair work on the speakers by putting super glue but that was a bad idea and it did not turn out well. The sound was terrible. In the end , I used the balancing knob on the music system to shut off the left speakers. It was irritating but I was not going to shell out almost £100 for one speaker. 

Anyway, one day while surfing eBay I chanced upon someone selling used speakers and covers from a S40 and without thinking much, I just bought them - all for £17.50.

I then went to YouTube looking for a tutorial video, I was sure there was bound to be at least one and I was right. 

It took me less than 10 minutes to replace the speakers with the new (old) ones and save myself around £80. 

New speaker in

Pop the cover on

The old speakers and cover

It is so great to finally listen to music with all the speakers on. 

Car Designs Reimagined by Sabrina Chun

Some amazing artwork by artist Sabrina Chun which will appeal to all car lovers. Her Blackprints in minimalist designs in eye-catching inverse black and white are printed on recycled paper for the cardstock and the ink and solvent are soybean plant-based.

Check out her Kickstarter Link:


Building a Morgan the old fashioned way

The Morgan Aero SuperSports

The MotoMan builds both a Morgan Aero SuperSports and a Morgan Traditional Roadster.

Part 1

Part 2

The basic price for the Aero SuperSports is £126,900 (including VAT) without the extra options.

The Morgan Motor Company is based in based in Malvern Link,Worcestershire, in the British Midlands.

Two is twice as nice as one

Hi friends,      I hope you had a lovely weekend!  This hairstyle is so quick and easy, and I always love double buns :-)  I added the poo...